Mr. White, The Christmas Poo


Hidey Ho boys and girls! It’s time to gather around the fire with your cup of hot cocoa, ohh who are we kidding, grab a cocktail, and take a seat. This is going to take a while.

As we keep telling our readers, the jig is up. Not only is it up, the kool-aide has worn off, and the only way Randall White knows how to rally his leaders in is to post pictures and, post videos. And this video is this biggest bunch of poo we have ever listened to. But first we need to back up and explain some things that have come to light in the last week.

The first thing that happened was the Kiss Ass Club turned into a bitch-fest club with complaints and demands of Consultants asking Randall to do his good deed for them and get that particular Consultant’s orders, or downline, or whatever out the door. People got tired of that nonsense—remember no negativity—and posted this.


The next thing that happened was new releases were listed on the website, but were not available for sale, despite people ordering them. The groups laid blame on ByDesign again. AGAIN.  One Consultant said, “I think it’s safe to say that everyone should be upset that ByDeSign dropped the ball once again… I love this company, but the trust they have put in ByDesign should be a thing of the past.” No, no one should be upset with ByDesign, because it was not their doing. This company has a ton of problems and one of them is a breakdown of communication. And when something goes wrong, it’s posted on the leader board, and slowly trickles down to other people. The proper way to communicate with everyone at one time is to send an e-mail. No IT company would upload new software listing new titles without the consent of the company who is paying them to do the work. People get seriously ill over doing something like that, and usually end up getting fired. This is not some little code hiccup. But, this particular group of Consultants are narcissists by nature, and have to spin these problems to look like they are victims of the mistakes made by anyone but the company.

Over in the land of Buy/Sell Land so I can earn my overrides and my trip to Disney World next summer, Consultants are filling orders for their angry customers.



You wouldn’t have angry customers if Home Office did not lie to Consultants. And Consultants pass the same lies onto their customers. They bought the mother of all lies: order before December 5th and your order will arrive by Christmas. If you had and gotten out of Usborne Land where you’re told everything is going to be OK, it’s going to super-duper when they fix it, and here’s a lollipop to make you feel better, we showed that some orders placed in OCTOBER had not been shipped out yet. Perhaps you need a bubble bath and read the book you got for  your promotion book too, cause you’re a GOLD! Feel better? Glad to hear it.

Your promotion item for spending $$$ to market BS

Your promotion item for spending $$$ to market BS










But let’s get serious for a moment. If Randall White had any morals or ethics, he’d tell his Leaders and Consultants with all the inventory to help out their fellow Consultants without making a dime off them. Sure they offer 25% off, but the point is to get the orders to people from other Consultants, yet they would still get their commission from the UBAM and everyone gets their fair share. On the flip side, this is a business, and people want to get their product either free or make a profit. And it is very obvious at this point that Leaders have the foresight of just screwed up things are and take thousands of inventory out to sell downline and to other Leaders. It keeps them from losing their status, makes them look like they saved the day, and screws over the new Consultant who has no clue how to play the vicious games of the MLM world.  In all honesty, the ability to take out consignment has got to go. It’s not a fair way for Leaders to earn their perks, and it clogs up the already very screwed up shipping issues. If you can’t afford to take inventory outright or make enough sales to earn free books, then you don’t need to place an order.

Empty boxes

Empty boxes










10 employees. WOW

10 employees. WOW







And now, it’s time to make the strongest drink you can handle, and perhaps get a bit buzzed before you watch the video Randall sent to his Leaders. This guys is a piece of work.  Below are some of our thoughts on what he has to say, and the truth of the lies he told:

My God. Stop the presses.

-Usborne is considered a small business company which means the company must remain under the 250 person threshold.  His annual report submitted to shareholders and the board of directors has never confirmed more than 250 employees.

-People do not want to work.  In these trying times, especially during the holidays, we have never heard a person say, I don’t want to work. Perhaps they don’t want to work for you, Randall. The vibe at the warehouse is probably not the most pleasant.

-Comparing this company to Carrier. This is outright bullshit. And it’s such bullshit, that I feel like I am insulting actual bullshit and the bull it came out of. Carrier was never moving to Mexico because they could not find people to work. They work under a Union where hourly wages are $23.00/hour. The reason why Carrier wanted to move out of the country is because they could pay people 4 times less the amount a Union member deserves. Thousands were about to lose their job in the name of greed. In all the reports we have read, nowhere did we read that “people do not want to work.” This is not the first time White has compared a multi-billion dollar company to UBAM—the last time he did so was back in February when he rambled on about Amazon Prime Shipping Membership and told Consultants that in order to receive Prime shipping, orders must be a minimum of $50.00 and would not be shipping until the entire order was completed. The truth was the change had to do with non-prime members and Amazon upped the threshold for free shipping to $49.00. But, seriously, why does Randall care what Amazon does? He dropped them (we seem to think differently) he shouldn’t give them a second thought, but does he ever have an ax to grind with them for someone who chose to walk away from such a lucrative company, who can now get you what you need the same day—including the ENTIRE CATALOG of Usborne books sold here in the US and UK. Don’t believe us? Contact us privately, and we will be happy to get you what you need. Back to the Amazon lie. When this Consultant asked for further verification on this mis-truth, Randall decided to comment back to her in true Randall White fashion and not so funny dialogue and ultimately terminated her, on social media. In one of the UBAM groups, for no other reason except that was setting the record straight. Everyone needs a place to voice frustration, and this Consultant took a gutsy move and questioned the legitimacy of the CEO’s comment and well, don’t question him or his Leaders. They know it all. If that does not rub you the wrong way, and shows you what a heinous person this company has for a CEO, continue to drink the kool-aide out of your red Solo cup and keep flushing your money down the toilet all in the name of children’s literacy.

-The need for management to maintain productivity. This is just common sense. But, managers come and go out of that place like a revolving door. We have heard more severe reasons as to why they cannot find and keep a sufficient manager, and it allegedly has to do with the lack of pay and racist comments that are used towards workers.

-Randall will take your advice. No he won’t.

-The software and equipment has been in the planning stages for over 2 years. Yes, that is true, but he is always telling people equipment is breaking down, and again that’s just him rambling and attempting to place the blame elsewhere. He’s been calling it state of the art too. Guess it’s not all that now, when you are about to go back to the old system.

-He doesn’t need you defending him. Ohh yes he does. He is in dire need of his ego being stroked. Why else at the end of the video would his VP show up crying on cue about how awesome Randall and this company is?! Give us a break.


-Smart ass comments about slowing productivity down by shipping orders out of order, messing up orders, shipping out damaged or misprinted books and so on. This is infuriating. Day after day we see the kool-aide drinkers sing the praises of this guy. Now we want to share with you the other side—the reality of what happens when you don’t fulfill every order placed. When you don’t hire enough people during the fall selling season (10 employees per shift and 2 people who pick up orders is not enough man power) you’re going to continue to have major problems. But stick with him, because he’s a good man. Scroll back up and read our highlights of the video. When you confront him about a lie in the most professional way you are fired. If you chose to invest your time into another direct sales company, you are fired. If you are not loyal to him and his Leaders, you are placed on a watch list until they make it impossible to do your job that you quit, or you get so fed up and voice your frustration and the inevitable happens: you’re fired.

Damn sign me up!! I would love that kind of abuse in my life!

We found the truth. The reviews below were posted on from those none too pleased with UBAM. We have added a Reviews Page to our blog and encourage you to fill out the form and tell us your experience.

“This is the second time I ordered books from Usborne. The first time I had no problems. This time is a different story. It has been well over a month and there is no sign of my books. Tried calling – the lines are constantly busy. I have sent two emails – no response. I am very dissatisfied and disappointed. These books were for my grandsons’ Christmas.”  Jill, December 21, 2016

“Hosted a party in the middle of November and was promised the books would be in WELL before Christmas as we all bought a ton of books as Christmas gifts. After waiting almost 3 weeks, I contacted the consultant for an update and was told there have been shipping delays but people are working around the clock and I will for sure get the order before Christmas. Here we are Dec. 20 and they still haven’t even shipped yet. My mom bought these books as the sole Christmas gift for 9 of the grandchildren and when she said she wanted to cancel the order since they won’t be here in time, we were given the option to wrap a piece of paper that says “your books are on their way”… while half the grandkids are opening toys from grandma and grandpa, the other half gets to open a piece of paper that says “sorry you don’t have a present”. The worst part is, most of them are coming from out of town, so when the books do finally get in, she’s going to have to pay to ship them! I feel so bad for her and everyone else at my party that now has to figure out new gift ideas just days before Christmas. I would’ve felt better if any attempt had been made by Usborne or my consultant to try and compensate them for the trouble – throw in a free book, take a few dollars off the total, or just allow them to cancel the order! But no. This was my first experience with Usborne and will definitely be my last.” -Catherine December  20, 2016

“1) Shipping is inadequate: Takes 4 to 6 weeks your lucky if customers order is complete and undamaged.
2)Home office: You will spend HOURS on hold waiting for someone to come along and blow you off
3) Vague leadership: Team leaders are clueless
4) ticketing system: No one acknowledges the support tickets or ever gets back to you

Save your money dont fall for this nonsense. they hide under the guise of putting books in children’s hand. At the end of the day its only about profit.” -Dawn, December 20, 2016

“I signed up at the end of October as a consultant did not get my kid until mid-December. I have waited over 2 months to get an order from October. Most of the books ship at least a month after they’re ordered. They have moved to a new computer system and it has messed them up terribly, they cannot recover. Very very very frustrating!” -Rebecca, December 16, 2016

“As a former consultant, I want to prevent anyone from dealing with the heartache from buying from Usborne…. DON’T support Usborne! Be kind to your consultant if you do host a party or place an order, because they seriously have ZERO pull within the company to get issues resolved for you any quicker. They feel just as stuck and frustrated as you, but even moreso because now their reputation suffers because of the lack of Customer Service by the company itself.
You can try to call Customer Service but you WILL be on hold for well over an hour, if it doesn’t automatically cut you off at an hour of waiting. Consultants have been known to be on hold for 3 hours just to sort out an issue for a customer.
If you love the books, you can easily find a consultant in your area that may have a copy on hand or has means of getting one from another consultant for you. DO NOT buy from the website and expect to get your books within a few weeks. Shipping will likely be 4-9 weeks. Crazy, I know!!” -Anon December 14, 2016

“The books are great, but not worth the customer service. I ordered books 2 weeks ago and tried to call them to make sure they would get here by Christmas since they still have not been shipped. It took 42 calls to get through and now I have been on hold for an hour. I do not see how this company will succeed with the lack of customer service. Wish I would have read the reviews on here before I placed an order! Will not be ordering online again from this company.” -Alaina December 12, 2016

While everyone is having a big pow-wow and crying over Randall and his VP, what about all the orders that will not arrive by this weekend? What about the people who took donations for needy children? Why were some orders more important than those who were making a charitable donation? Randall should be disgusted and embarrassed, and those who are his Consultants and Leaders who feed this behavior should be too, crying over some book company and a CEO is embarrassing in and of itself. We might feel different if the tears were real and not crocodile ones because he’s losing thousands of dollars daily, and people are waking up and seeing this company is exactly like all other Direct Sales companies: A multi-level marketing scheme to make him and his Leaders money. Are any of Randall’s grand-kids going to be denied a gift because the company he purchased an item from lied about shipping times? Also, do your homework on UPS. As of Monday December 19th, UPS was shipping ground packages to arrive next day by the end of business. That company is working around the clock as it does every holiday season, because they can’t afford to drop the ball. It’s how they have the reputation they have and people can rely on them to get a shipment to a person even on Christmas Day. We shouldn’t have to remind anyone that Randall White is a millionaire and he nor his family has been denied anything. They will in all likelihood have a lovely holiday weekend. Like many who rise fast to the top, they forget what it’s like to have nothing and want for nothing but to bring a smile to a child’s face. While all of you who are crying and fawning over him, remember, there are more kids out there than not who will not have a nice Christmas. This is suppose to be a company where professionalism is demanded at all times. Ohh. But he’s human. Guess what, so are those kids and the Consultants and customers he left out in the cold.

That wraps up our bedtime story. Make ‘em good holidays Uzzies.  Rainbow copy


3 thoughts on “Mr. White, The Christmas Poo

  1. Amy says:

    That last screenshot of the comment about the single mom who ordered books as her only Christmas gift for her daughter was heartbreaking… I really hope she did get those books on time! What a crook/crock.


  2. Amy says:

    P.S. “sing the praises of our amazing leader” — is that for real?? Hard to believe it’s a sincere phrase… sounds very sarcastic to me! But I guess it’s real. Crazy!


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